Safe and Efficient Solutions for the O.R. – Simultaneously Resource-Efficient and Generating Minimal CO2

We care about sustainable healthcare.
Sustainability is a strategic priority at Mölnlycke and WeCare is our Sustainability roadmap for 2030. It means creating shared value for all our stakeholders. It is a driver for growth, innovation and productivity and an essential part of our employee value proposition.
Our ambition is to transform our business to become a global leader in sustainable healthcare*.
– As a leader in sustainable healthcare, we believe that it’s our responsibility to equip customers with innovative healthcare products in a way that’s sustainable – for our business, our employees, our communities and the planet. Zlatko Rihter, CEO.
We are increasing the number of products and packaging that use renewable, bio-based raw materials as we continue the push for sustainability across our product platforms to help customers meet their targets.
* By sustainable healthcare we mean a system based on sound environmental, social, and economic approaches that eliminates negative social, environmental, and economic impacts.
Please contact Mölnlycke for reference sites.

Mölnlycke Health Care
- Visit WebsiteMölnlycke Health Care AB
P.O. Box 13080
Gamlestadsvägen 3 C
SE-402 52 Göteborg