Safe and Sustainable Nitrous Oxide Solutions



Medclair offers solutions for safe and sustainable nitrous oxide usage. We provide a complete leading-edge system offering detection, capture and destruction of N2O. Our technology converts more than 99 % of the exhaled N2O into harmless nitrogen and oxygen. Our solutions are based on capacity needs and can be constructed to accommodate any inspiration method regardless of via mouthpiece, nasal, single or double mask.



Ryhov County Hospital in Jönköping County was the first hospital to implement Medclair’s technology. Today, the hospital utilises our destruction systems at several of its healthcare facilities. Nitrous oxide destruction systems have been installed in the Maternity Ward, the Gynecology Clinic and the Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine Clinic.

Work environment studies conducted from independent third parties validate our equipment. These have found the destruction of nitrous oxide to be higher than 99.9 %, the noise level to be below 35 decibels, and the energy consumption to be between 3.1 kWh and 14.2 kWh per kg N2O. This proves that our technology ensures a safe working environment for healthcare professionals, while significantly reducing the environmental impacts.


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Box 3113
103 62  

Simon Lewis, International Sales Manager
Phone: +46 (0)79 102 42 46