State of the Art Automated Combined Treatment of Hospital Waste and Wastewater


Pharmafilter represents a change in the way we work which positively enhances the work environment, patient, and staff safety.
 It is an environmentally friendly way of dealing with complex waste, sewage and wastewater streams emanating from hospitals.

It is a thoroughly integrated waste management system which – at every interface – delivers a significant improvement in the handling, removal and treatment of waste streams arising in hospitals. 

Currently, waste in hospitals is separated into various categories – transported through the hospital – and stored in advance of transport off-site for pretreatment and/or disposal. This activity requires both significant staffing hours, physical infrastructure, and recording (sorting rooms, internal and external storage, lifts etc.) The Pharmafilter system greatly simplifies the methods by which waste is handled and decontaminated and therefore substantially reduces costs and overall logistics, while improving environmental outcomes. 

Pharmafilter: Where Health, Green and Clean Tech Merge – A Cleaner Hospital – A Healthier Environment.


– Reinier de Graaf Hospital (Netherlands)
– Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
– St Franciscus Hospital, Rotterdam (Netherlands)


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Peter Kelly, International Commercial Director
M.: +353 86 8276649
L.:   +31(0)204 203 392       
M.:  + 31 6 21 52 33 33